DEFCON Group 352

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Have you heard about DEFCON? It's a fantastic community of people passionate about cybersecurity and sharing knowledge and ideas. With our emerging DEFCON group at DCG352, we're all about creating a space to have in-depth discussions, do cutting-edge research, and work on innovative projects. Our founder, Jason Griffis (aka TronDemon), saw a need in Marion County for more opportunities to learn and develop IT and cybersecurity skills, and that's why we exist.

We're always looking for more people to get involved, and we hope to restructure our leadership soon to involve even more members. As one of the founders and group leaders, my job is to set the direction and objectives for our group, lead meetings, organize events and workshops, and recruit new members. It's a lot of work, but being part of such an amazing community is worth it!

As the group leader, I'll be responsible for contacting DEFCON officials, outside organizations, and potential collaborators. But as the group grows, we plan to establish a more collaborative and shared leadership structure. We'll create roles like Co-Leader, Event Coordinator, Communication Manager, and Research Lead to spread the workload and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Join Us

Our main goal is to create a welcoming and productive environment where people can learn and grow in cybersecurity. No matter how big or small the group is, we'll always uphold and promote the DEFCON spirit of curiosity, knowledge, and innovation.